Ledger - Expense Tracker

by Just Apps Pvt. Ltd.


How get data backup free version to paid?[CREATE BACKUP FILE IN FREE VERSION AND RESTORE IT IN PAID VERSION TO GET YOUR ALL DATA]"Ledger - Expense Tracker" provide a way to handle your expenses and incomes in your checkbook ledger manner with simple and intuitive design.
Main Features:
* Easy access. No internet connection required.* No registration!* Available in 11 languages: English, Deutsch, Dansk, Español, Português, Français, Italiano, Russian, Magyar, Polski and Norwegian.
-------** Reports**-------* Monthly reports of your debit and credit transaction.* reports with pie and line graph.* get report for your all accounts or any specific one.
----- ** Account ** -----* Easily create account with initial balance.* Show account list with respective account balance.* Single tap on account to view transaction with ledger style.* Long tap on account to view options( Add transaction, View Account, Edit Account, Delete Account and Export your account transaction to SD card).
----- ** Category ** -----* App already provide you some predefined categories.* Easily create new category with color code.* Show Category List to get quick view and tap any category to edit and delete category.
----- ** Ledger View ** -----* Show monthly transaction in ledger style and give month balance.* Long tap on any transaction to manage options ( set clarified and unclarified, edit transaction and delete transaction ).
----- ** Settings ** -----* Select your date format.* customize your negative amount* manage predefined notes * Export transaction in .CSV file (Comma seperated) to SDcard* Protect your data by enabling password protection* Customize your currency * Backup and restore data to/from SD card * Customize number of backups to keep on the SD card* option to clear your entire database and start from scratch